
SmartDNS & VPN

SmartDNS: Bypass country blocks with the VPN alternative Country blocks of streaming services can be circumvented not only with a VPN. SmartDNS providers let you bypass geo-blocks, but do not offer the protection typical of VPN services. We list the advantages and disadvantages of SmartDNS services. You’ve probably already encountered a DNS, since it is […]


What are Binary Newsgroups?

The alt.binaries subhierarchy was created specifically for the worldwide distribution of binary files. In alt.binaries you will find mainly files that are not pure ASCII text, i.e. images, videos, music, software, PDF and all other binary files. alt.binaries exist completely only on the news servers of commercial premium Usenet providers because of the upload and […]


Artificial Intelligence

Robots that defeat humans in a game of chess or computers that we can talk to – science has been trying for many years to artificially recreate the complex human mind. How far have they got with this? How intelligent is artificial intelligence? The research area “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) tries to simulate human perception and […]


How do I start coding?

The demands for the compulsory subject “Informatics” or “Learn programming” are getting louder and louder – rightly so. Because with programming knowledge you can do exciting things – and improve your own future chances. We give you an overview of how you can learn programming. How can I learn programming? The evolution of technology and […]